• The 360-degree feedback is one of the leading methods for assessing competencies.
  • Various evaluation groups answer identical survey questions.
  • By comparing external image and self-image it clearly shows the current status.
  • Based on these results practical learning concepts and development opportunities can be derived.

Multi-perspective 360-degree feedback

Shown in a pie chart, around the feedback receiver, each evaluator group is assigned the same meaning of the angle terminology. At 360 degrees the circle closes. The image is complete, the feedback "round".


Step 1: Buy coupons
Purchase coupon packages according to your individual needs. With your first order a business customer account will be set up for you automatically.
Step 2: Redeem coupons
In your business customer account you redeem the coupons for your clients. With entering the personal data of your client the feedback process will be started automatically. You client receives an email with all information to nominate his feedback team. You can monitor the status of the feedback process in your business customer account any time.
Step 3: Nominate feedback team
The feedback receiver nominates a feedback team with up to 21 members by indicating their name and email address. The provided data will only be used to execute the feedback.
Step 4: Invite feedback team
The feedback providers receive an automatic email containing a link to the survey. The assessment takes about 15 minutes.
Step 5: Complete self-assessment
The feedback receiver completes the self-assessment survey.

Step 6: Receive feedback
The feedback providers are able provide their assessment within a 17 days period.
Step 7: Get the report
The report summarizes all assessments, calculates average ratings per area and question and presents them in a clearly structured way. The answers of the self-assessment and of the supervisor are shown 1:1. The answers of the other feedback groups are summarized as average value and shown anonymously. The report is sent to the feedback receiver as pdf file 17 days after the feedback providers have been invited. Required are at least 3 feedbacks of colleagues. If the ratings of all invited feedback providers have been received before the end of the survey period, the report will be created immediately. If you have requested a copy of the client’s report, you will receive it also automatically.


At the end of the survey period, your client und you will receive a detailed pdf report. It includes the statistical analysis of all feedback groups and shows strengths, development potential and differences to your self-assessment.